It gives me immense pleasure to produce the 31′ Annual Progress Report of Sarnaj Kalyan Mandal Kaliyachak, Hilsa, Nalanda. Bihar (India). racing all odds its-journey over last three decades generated a huge amount of experiences in the field of social work. However, its achievement during the previous financial year (2010-11) was indeed very much satisfactory. It has tried its level best to make best use of its scare resources to address the local issues through various programmes and projects. Major focus of the organization during the year was on management of natural resource management, disaster mitigation management, skill development of the school dropouts, livelihood of the rural poor especially the Dalits, agriculture promotion, education, health etc. The organisation used right based approach in executing its programmes and projects. Community mobilization through awareness generation and advocacy at various levels through sensitization programmes, lobbying, campaigns etc were the major strategy of those interventions.
To mention with we did a lot in mobilizing the nual working class to ensure 100 days or employment under MNRESs in the locality that resulted into decline in the state of absolute poverty among the poor and migration to some extent. The vocational’ training imparted to the youths and women helped them to engage themselves in non-far activities which helped their
Families to face the challenges of draught situation prevailed during the reporting year. 4
We would like to extend our sincere thanks to the dalit and other community people in its operational area for their spontaneous/willful participation in our programmes and projects. We extend our gratitude to our donor agencies viz., Misereor, Germany, DKAIKTB Austria, FVTF, Bangalore, CAPART, Patna and New Delhi for their noble support. in fulfilling at least some of the need of the community people. The organization would also like to thank Andheri Hilfe, Germany for their continuous guidance and valuable feedback time to time on the past activities we had performed with their financial support. The organization cannot forget the contributions of local administration without whose continuous support programmes would have not been managed in ensuring food and livelihood rights of the dalit and other poor community people
during the year. The Organization would .like to express its sincere gratitude to all other
development agencies and individuals who joined hands in carrying out the right based social transformation movement initiated by the organization.
We would like to express our sincere thanks to all our managing committee. members arid staff members for their meaningful support and the commitment and dedication shown in proper and timely implementation of proposed action plan for the year 2010 -11.
Last but not least, we sincerely express our willingness to welcome various development
/philanthropic based agencies to come ahead to join hands to work together for rights and
entitlement of the poorest of the poor in our project areas soon…