Samaj Kalyan Mandal

Best NGO in Bihar
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kalyan mandal

SKM’s mission has been to establish an egalitarians society devoid of man to man discrimination and exploitation based on caste. Class, gender, race or religion or society that would ensure peoples participate for lowering human suffering Goal of the Organization: Goal of the SKM has been to build up a strong and sustainable foundation egalitarian, just and humane rural society.

Past/present Activities of the Organization:- SMK’s main activities are related to promotion of livelihood, health/education /sanitation and hygiene, strengthening of local self governance rehabilitation and infrastructure, development. Economics uplift men through formation SHGs and Promotion of micro-credit, promotion of animal husbandry and vocational training women empowerment o f the poor and weaker sections. Some of the present activities of the organizational

Our Founders

Sadhu Sharan Singh

Executive Member

Mr. Pusshkar Tiwari

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